The First Step - Is it always the hardest?
As I sit down to write this I have to wonder is the first step always the hardest?

As I sit down to write this I have to wonder is the first step always the hardest? We have all heard it all of our lives, but is it actually true? Now do not get me wrong I have seen my kids learn how to walk and it is down right scary and exciting all in one. Also the first time you have an interview for a job or ask someone on a date, (The in person way, not digital way). Maybe your first rollercoaster, or time at the dentist.
But then I think of first steps that were not so hard that I would do over and over again. And not because in hindsight it seems easy but at the time it was easy for me. Like the time when I saw someone get in an accident and ran to help out in any way I could. Or when you see that lost child in a store or amusement park and you kneel down and show them pictures of your family and ask them if you can help them find theirs. Those first steps are almost integrated in our souls and do not seem scary at all.
As we take this journey towards Financial Freedom, I want to say that YES, it may seem scary and there is hesitation and doubt. For sure there is also embarrassment and guilt. The past pain and resentment is also weighing down on each decision we have made. But think of this step in getting out of it as not the hardest. You have done the hard part, whether that is getting into debt to get your degree. Or to sustain your life because that is that way we were taught when we were younger. Maybe you just don’t even know how to take the first step because you are paralyzed by all the choices and you get so overwhelmed that you can’t even move. Then taking that first step might be the best breath of fresh air you have ever had.
I want you to know that I have been there. I have felt all those feelings and still feel those things. (I mean we are human after all). But guess what? I am here to take those steps with you. Hopefully it will feel like the steps in helping out someone and it won’t be hard but if it is, I am happy to get you through those so in turn you are able to turn and help the people around you.
So like Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, take that step, and hey take it with me and lets do this together.